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WASAI 閃電測試賬戶註冊


Download the full whitepaper to explore how WASAI and Advantech are driving innovation in genomic research, enhancing workflow efficiency, and paving the way for the future of precision medicine.


  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Revolution: Explore how NGS is transforming DNA sequencing, generating vast amounts of genomic data.

  • Challenges in Genomic Data Processing: Understand the hurdles in maintaining accuracy and efficiency in handling extensive raw data during secondary analysis.

Key Challenges:

  • High-Performance Computing Demand: The exponential growth in genomic data requires robust HPC solutions.

  • Data Management Issues: Discover the complexities of managing and analyzing vast genomic datasets.

Innovative Solution:

  • WASAI-Lightning Bio-IT Platform: Learn about this platform’s advanced capabilities, employing Agilex-based FPGA cards for efficient genomic analysis.

  • Advantech’s High-Performance Servers: Explore the powerful SKY-820V3, SKY-620V3, and SKY-8234D servers, optimized for computationally demanding tasks.

Case Studies:

  • Yonsei University Mirae Campus: See how this South Korean institution leverages the platform for disease research and AI-driven medical projects..

  • National Taiwan University College of Medicine: Understand how Taiwanese researchers use this technology for large population cohort studies.

Performance and Validation:

  • Speed and Accuracy: WASAI’s platform accelerates genome sequencing and maintains a high accuracy rate, revolutionizing secondary analysis.

  • Efficiency Gains: Realize the significant performance improvements, reducing genome sequencing time from 30 hours to just 3 hours.


  • ​Future of Genomic Analytics: Embrace the potential of hardware acceleration in advancing precision medicine, offering faster and more accurate genomic analysis.

  • Why Choose Advantech and WASAI: Discover the benefits of this collaborative solution, providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective genomic analysis.

全球領先的高效能數據分析解決方案商 WASAI Technology,自2015年起即以「光速縮小『資料到智慧間的落差』」 為企業使命,為客戶提供高效、便捷及可靠的數據運算平台,致力將高效能數據分析帶入人們的生活中,讓每天不斷大量產生的數據成為人類生活中最大的能量來源。公司成立後推出多項大數據分析運算平台,並應用於生物基因科技、雲端運算及物聯網等領域。

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Contact Info

USA Office:

4604 Roseville Rd., North Highlands, CA 95660

8000 Edgewater Drive, Oakland, CA 94621

Asia Office:

4F, No. 6, Zhiyuan 3rd Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei 112025, Taiwan


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