TAIPEI, TAIWAN, Sep. 30, 2019 – Do you know that the genomic combination of each human is made up with 30 billion DNA bases? In terms of the digital volume, it means that each person has over 100GB database which costs over 30 hours to process the analysis of genome database. With the improvement of medication and technology, we will be able to predict the condition of our bodies and know diseases before happening. Patients also can find the most suitable treatments and medication. This is the main concept of “precision medicine.”
The key technology of it is genome sequencing. This technology is now improving and the cost is decreasing, while the time of processing genome databases is still very consuming. From this point of view, WASAI Technology hopes to contribute our experience in developing the big data accelerated solution to provide a time-saving and low-cost solution for genome sequencing. We believe that in the future, each person can all have our customized medication and treatment provided by the prevailing precision medicine through the optimized technology of genome sequencing to protect ourselves and our families.
For the genomic secondary analysis, WASAI Technology develops an All-in-one DNA sequence solution, accelerating the most credential and the most widely used method, GATK Best Practice in the field of genome analysis to elevate the efficiency of data processing. Now while all the competitors in this field are from America and Europe, WASAI Technology, basing on Taiwan, wants to contribute to the development of precision medicine with the high-end integration technique and the advantage of the mature hardware environment in Taiwan. Hopefully, along with these excellent scholars and researchers in the bioinformatics field, together we can make a great difference!
About WASAI Technology Inc.
WASAI Technology's mission is to deliver acceleration technologies of High-Performance Data Analysis (HPDA) in future data centers for targeted vertical applications with massive volumes and high velocities of scientific data. To strengthen and advance scientific discovery and technological research via big data-intensive acceleration in high-performance computing, WASAI Technology aims to improve commercialization and commoditization of scientific and technological applications.