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WASAI Joined ET & IoT Technology 2019 in Japan to Promote FPGA Big Data Accelerated Solution

TAIPEI, TAIWAN, Dec. 30, 2019 – Recently AI and IoT are the most popular topics in the global technology industry. WASAI attended ET & IoT Technology 2019 along with Taiwan Computer Association (TCA) and other 17 Taiwan startup companies in the Pacific Exhibition Center in Yokohama, Japan on November 20-22 2019.

CEO Calvin Hung gave a speech focusing on the applications and the real cases of how WASAI uses FPGA to process data.

WASAI CEO Calvin Hung gave a speech for more than 200 people in TCA seminar focusing on the applications and the real cases of how WASAI uses FPGA to process data in a super high speed and to save costs at the same time after collecting the big data analysis. After the seminar, WASAI discussed the collaboration opportunities in the Japanese markets with Taiwanese industrial IoT server companies and connected with Japanese IT companies with the possible collaboration on FPGA.



About WASAI Technology Inc.

WASAI Technology's mission is to deliver acceleration technologies of High-Performance Data Analysis (HPDA) in future data centers for targeted vertical applications with massive volumes and high velocities of scientific data. To strengthen and advance scientific discovery and technological research via big data-intensive acceleration in high-performance computing, WASAI Technology aims to improve commercialization and commoditization of scientific and technological applications.




WASAI Tecnology Inc.

4F, No. 6, Zhiyuan 3rd Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei 112025, Taiwan

WASAI Technology Inc. specializes in Big Data acceleration platforms, provides expert patented solutions to key problems for large data centers with both high quality and performance.

Founded in 2015.

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4604 Roseville Rd., North Highlands, CA 95660

8000 Edgewater Drive, Oakland, CA 94621


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4F, No. 6, Zhiyuan 3rd Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei 112025, Taiwan 



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